I dealt with anchor worms before,they are very difficult to get rid of because they are attached with hooks into youre fish,pulling them of would be risking 2ndary infection or osmotic shock from salt dips or chemical baths that being said you still have to do something.I used a product called cyro pro(cyromazine) and it held the worms life cycle at bay untill wich point they would die off but still it takes months and months and during that time the fish is still seceptible to other infections.I bought a powder blue gourimis from PETSMART I didnt quaritine the fish and then a month later lernea showed up.So all and all have a quarintine tank If you dont want to comriprimise youre fish ,keep them seperate for a month then add them it sounds like an extreme measure but everyone sould do it including wherever Petmart gets there fish from.
That is great advice. Just thought I would mention that a quarentine tank can be a 5gallon pail with heater and bubbler should you need one. The fish should be in and out before the water cycles so as long as you treat the water you are safe. I have also drained water from other tanks in a emerg to fill my buckets...That way the water is cycled and at a good temp...